Individual Sales Training

Take the Helm in Your Sales Career

Confidently Navigate Your Sales Career

Hire a personal sales trainer in New York City, Philadelphia or New Jersey

Taking your success into your own hands starts with finding the right guide. Compass Sales Training and Consulting helps sales teams and independent sales professionals become top earners through effective sales training in New York City, Philadelphia and New Jersey.

Your personal sales trainer, Beth, will be your sounding board. She'll analyze your sales process to create a plan for improvement based on your strengths. Call 848-223-8008 now to schedule your first personal sales training.

Working one-on-one to meet your goals

Tailored training that addresses your personal needs will give you the tools for success. Personal sales training includes:

  • Polishing your current sales process, empowering you to attain higher goals
  • Coaching you through sales calls and holding mock or roleplay calls to hone your skills
  • Assessing what you're already doing right and helping you find ways to improve your strongest skills
Through coaching sessions, revamping pitches and developing effective sales strategies, Beth will help you grow. Reach out to her today if you'd like to work with a personal sales trainer.